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Australia – Northern Territory

Carmor Plains Wildlife Reserve, operated by Australia Wide Safaris, comprises 100 000 acres of pristine outback. Only 210 km east of Darwin, a little over 2 hours driving or 30 minutes flight, the reserve is adjacent to Kakadu National Park, a World Heritage Site.

South Alligator River


Scenic flood plains are entirely submerged during the summer rain falls. The higher land is reasonably flat with a high upper canopy of indigenous trees, low shrubs and grasses, but also thick rainforests and springs in some areas. Home to native animals and introduced game, the reserve is a perfect habitat for all wildlife. Crocodiles, water buffalo, wild boar, wild horses, kangaroos, wallabies, goannas and countless varieties of wetland and forest birds are always within viewing distance. Carmor Plains is the only private coastal game reserve with Water Buffalo, Wild Boar, Water fowl and Crocodiles.

Whether it be serious trudging through the bush hunting buffalo, an airboat safari looking for crocodiles or maybe just dinner and wine out on the gazebo deck enjoying the sunset, Carmor Plains offers a unique variety of experiences.

Carmor Plains Air Boat Tours

Carmor Plains Air Boat Tours

Air Boat Tours are conducted on the vast 60 000 acres of wetlands. These tours are the most amazing way to see the flora and fauna unique to this part of Australia. The massive wetlands are similar to the Okavango Delta in Botswana or the Everglades of Florida, allowing the opportunity to view an immense range of wetland birds. Some of these are Magpie geese, Pygmy geese and several different species of duck, often in flocks exceeding a thousand individuals. Other wetland birds include various species of Egret, Ibis and Heron and the little Jacana walking on water. Large cranes known as Brolgas and Australia’s only stork, the Jabiru, plus all the predator birds such as Whistling Kites, Sea Eagles and Falcons are constantly circling overhead.

Airboats, the only way to access the grass-covered waterways – often too shallow for conventional boats – travel at over 80km per hour to get to the right spot FAST. Cruise along the edge of plains in a only a few of inches of water, or anchor right amongst the paperbark forests, take in the views and watch the crocs and water fowl in their original environment. This is one of the best ways to observe Magpie Geese rear their young, from the nesting in March until the goslings fly in August. Also, experience Whistling Ducks blacken the sky with flocks of up to 5000 birds. This is only seen in some specific areas of the Northern Territory and Carmor Plains is one of them.

Brumby - free-roaming feral horses in Australia

Brumby – free-roaming feral horses in Australia

And of course, the ever present crocodiles, herds of water buffalo or wild boar, and sometimes a brumby can be spotted.

The best time for Airboat tours is between February and September, but may vary depending on water levels. The climate is most pleasant from May until September, with very slim chances of wet weather. Winter temperatures vary from nightly 14 centigrades to 32 centigrades in the heat of the day. Summers are a little hotter, and much wetter.


Location (12° 31′ 40″ S, 131° 34′ 0″ E)

Transport to the game reserve can be by road or private air charter. We will pick you up at the airport upon your arrival or from your Hotel. Travelling time by road from Darwin to Carmor Plains is 2 and 1/2 hours. If you prefer we can charter a light aircraft for you from Darwin, direct to the hunting camp, flying time 25 minutes!

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